Transition to School

Once your child has turned four, we welcome them to the Uplands Kindergarten transition to school programme which takes place during our afternoon sessions.

This time is more structured than the morning sessions at Uplands. During this time, our 4-year-olds work with a teacher in small groups or 1:1.

When children are nearly 5, a teacher will take them to visit their school. We visit the playground, toilets, office and classroom. We take photographs and when we return to Uplands, we sit together and publish a story about the visit.

Getting our 4 year olds ready for primary school, numeracy, literacy and science focused

Our Transition to School Programme

  • Learning how to write, getting ready for primary school, literacy at transition to school programme


    By setting up a writing area in the kindergarten we provide time and space for children to experiment. The writing area provides a low risk environment in which children can rehearse favourite ways of writing, try new ideas and have control over the whole process. The teachers also support our 4 year olds to recognise their name, address and phone number from the board each afternoon.

  • Developing numeracy, maths skills through counting/sorting activities and games


    We set up table top activities such as the Unifix, bears, and bingo games which encourage mathematical thinking. Maths is about counting, sorting, matching, pattern-making, sequencing (for example large to small), comparing items, size, colours, weight and volume. Mat time songs and finger plays incorporate concepts and themes, patterning, timing and sequencing skills, which are necessary for reading and math's concepts.

  • Conducting science experiments at our be ready for primary school programme

    Science Experiments

    Scientists must be able to form and communicate their ideas, observations and evidence. They must be able to apply knowledge from one context to another, analyse their findings and build on the ideas of others. Supporting children to enjoy the processes of thinking and learning, and providing opportunities for them to explore concepts and ideas they are interested in through a range of experiences is important.

  • Brain gym to strengthen brain muscles at our prepare for school programme, Remuera, Meadowbank

    Brain Gym

    At the beginning of each 4 year old transition to school afternoon, Brain Gym is done to strengthen our brain muscles and stimulate brain activity. These exercises aim to increase children’s fine and gross motor skills, coordination, concentration, eye tracking skills, and memory with good outcomes for our children, which translate to better skills in the classroom.

  • Cutting and developing fine motor skills during our school ready programme

    Fine Motor Skills

    During the afternoon transition to school programme, the children often practise their fine motor development and pre-maths skills with a cutting and pasting activity. The teachers try to choose activity sheets which reflect the children's current interest.

  • Building confidence in children's ability to speak in a small group and sharing

    Name Game

    “My name is Michele, what is yours? Ko Michele taku ingoa, ko wai tō ingoa?” Our name game encourages children to speak in a small group. At Uplands we believe our children learn to be confident, self-reliant, expressive and imaginative through child-led and teacher-directed activities.

  • “Our youngest started at Uplands as a just-turned-two year old, and he is now nearly off to school. He has formed special bonds with all the teachers, some of whom have been at Uplands for well over a decade. We feel like the teachers are a part of our family.

    Our son especially loves the four-year-old programme where he gets to do science experiments, cooking and other school-readiness activities. We couldn't recommend Uplands more highly.”


Proud kindy graduate, ready for school at kindy graduation ceremony
Creative play, drawing and painting at Uplands

We are very proud of the tradition of our 4-year-old programme at Uplands. This has been part of our DNA for many, many years.

Our local school new entrant teachers really appreciate the abilities and skills Uplands alumni bring to their classrooms.

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